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On-air now: Sixties Expressions 10:00am–12:00pm

Up next: The Heat Wave Baby Shutdown 12:00pm–2:00pm

Program Directory

Hip Hop

  • Album Authority

    Hel­lo and Wel­come to Album Author­i­ty, the show where I, The Album Author­i­ty tell you which albums you’re allowed to enjoy and what to think of them. Each week I go through an album of any genre and give my thoughts on it, some infor­ma­tion and seem­ing­ly unim­por­tant and strange per­son­al anec­dotes. Tune in every Tues­day at 2 – 3 pm for the

    Fore­most expert’s author­i­ty on music” — Coop­er Beaudette

  • And You Don't Stop

    The 120 minute Epi­cen­ter of Hip-Hop and Rap Music, host­ed each week by the leg­endary Chuck D.
  • B-Siide Radio

    Bring­ing you the best in Hip Hop, R&B and Every­thing In between. B‑Siide drops music from both sides of the bor­der, shin­ing a light on some of the best up and com­ing Cana­di­an artists.

  • Beer For Breakfast

    Tasti­er than toast, Beer For Break­fast is a full-serv­ing of home­grown artists, with a side order of vis­it­ing musi­cians.

    Span­ning all gen­res with the sweet sounds of Peg City since 1999, Broose deliv­ers direct to your radio; news, show list­ings, inter­views, per­for­mances, and tons of tunes; live, baby, live, every Sat­ur­day morn­ing at 8am.

    Plus, we end every show with the Near­ly Sci­en­tif­ic Six Pack — the six hottest songs from Peg City.

    Thank you for sup­port­ing local music.

  • Bonnie & Clyde


  • digital planets

    the dif­fer­ent find­ings & sur­round­ings in my uni­verse that elic­it the best type of feel­ings — the feel­ings brought by music (cause boo­gie jive & rap is life where i’m from)⋆.♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.

  • Expansive Prairie Skies

    Expan­sive Prairie Skies draws inspi­ra­tion from the wide open vis­tas that sur­round Win­nipeg.
    It’s the oppo­site of feel­ing hemmed in.
    It’s the sound­track to a late night dri­ve beneath a boun­ty of con­stel­la­tions.
    Con­tem­po­rary clas­si­cal and actu­al clas­si­cal.
    Avant-garde and musique con­crete.
    Noise and ambi­ent music.
    Jazz and more jazz.
    The host pro­vides the son­ic stratos­phere,
    the music does the talk­ing, you do the dreaming.

  • Free Range Radio

    Your ol’ pal Skip­py cov­ers the musi­cal land­scape! Tune in each week for great music and what­ev­er else comes his way!

  • Have We Met?

    Curat­ed playlists of new releas­es, deep cuts from famil­iar artists, and what­ev­er else I feel like. Hip-hop, elec­tron­ic, alter­na­tive, what else?

  • Hip Hop 101

    At the time, Hip Hop 101 was the longest run­ning hip hop mix show in Man­i­to­ba, and prob­a­bly Saskatchewan, bring­ing Win­nipeg and the world brought you the best under­ground & inde­pen­dant hip hop mixed live on three turnta­bles. Con­stant­ly intro­duc­ing the city to brand new artists and flava’s! with the most exclu­sive inter­views and Joints the indus­try has to offer. plus live freestyle phone ses­sions, shout outs and requests! Host­ed by Dia­log, @Large and Kinetik, some of this tri­o’s great inter­views includ­ed but weren’t lim­it­ed to David Ban­ner, Fred­die Foxxx, The Alchemist, Prodi­gy of Mobb Deep, Buck­shot & Black­moon, Non Phix­ion, Thirstin Howl the 3rd, Rak­ka Iri­science of Dilat­ed Peo­ples, D‑Sisive, Protest & C Rail of Skool Yard Mas­sive, DJ 3rd Rail, Nasty Nes of Rap Attack!, J‑Zone , 13(of Man­nish), Celph Titled & Apa­thy of The Demigodz, El the Sen­sei, Brass­munk, Plan­et Asia, Josh Mar­tinez, Blood of Abra­ham, Opio Of Souls Of Mischief/​HeiroGlyphics Crew, Ken Sport, Musab, Mr.Sche, DJ Moves & Cee!!!, Storm the Unpre­dictable, Crazy legs of Rock Steady Crew, King Shameek from Twin Hype and alot more.

  • Live on KEXP

    Live Music record­ed local­ly and dis­trib­uted around the world. Brought to you by KEXP.

    Under the Nee­dle is a week­ly series fea­tur­ing the best of KEXP’s live in-stu­dio per­for­mances. With finan­cial sup­port from the Cor­po­ra­tion for Pub­lic Broad­cast­ing, KEXP is mak­ing this week­ly series avail­able at no cost to col­lege and com­mu­ni­ty sta­tions from across the coun­try. Each show is also archived and avail­able on this site. KEXP hosts over 400 in-stu­dio ses­sions each year, includ­ing a range of gen­res and a mix of well-estab­lished and up-and-com­ing artists. Kevin Cole and his staff choose among these ses­sions to bring an eclec­tic mix of incred­i­ble live per­for­mances to Under the Needle.

  • Lizard Music

    Search­ing the end­less seas of record­ed music for the good stuff”… empha­sis on strange and unique music, but real­ly, any­thing goes… songs that your lizard might enjoy.

  • No Lone Aesthetic (NLA)


  • P & C Thirty

    On Decem­ber 8th, 1994 ven­er­a­ble Win­nipeg, by way of Bran­don, rap group Farm Fresh released their The Space EP. Not only was it the group’s first release, but it launched Peanuts & Corn Records — a label that grew, evolved and for the last 30 years has been a con­stant go to for great rap music. Over the next year, we count down to that first release by speak­ing with the artists and char­ac­ters that have helped shape our sound along the way.

    Cel­e­brate 30 years of weird rap and bro­ken promis­es with us, wont you?

  • Radio Sin Forgiveness

    This ones for all the freaks and losers — A music show that does­n’t have the atten­tion span to com­mit to one genre. Radio Sin For­give­ness is fun for the whole fam­i­ly! Whether its your divorced dad who only lis­tens to rock music, or you friend that’s had their aux priv­i­leges per­ma­nent­ly revoked, or even your mom. We (Macy and Jon­ah) will share sto­ries and anec­dotes about the music we’ll play and we will absolve you of your sins!

  • Signal Distortion

    sig­nal dis­tor­tions’ — a week­ly dis­play of all things inter­net-core: rang­ing from digi­core, mid­west emo, plugg, hyper­pop, elec­tropop, shoegaze, break­core, indie rock, and more cel­e­brat­ed by the youth of the web

  • Thank God It's Free Range!

    Thank God It’s Free Range! Join host (and UMFM Pro­gram Direc­tor) Michael Elves as he starts the week­end off with a run­down on upcom­ing shows; inter­views with local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al artists; and all sorts of good music. Here on 101.5 UMFM, the week­end starts now!

  • The Heat Wave Baby Shutdown

    The hottest show on the plan­et cre­at­ing the bridge between African and Inter­na­tion­al artists . Afro Fusion, Hip Hop , Trap , Drill, R N B and aspir­ing artists from all over the globe. It’s a total shut­down. HWBS

  • The Mothership

    the best in late night sounds, curat­ed week­ly for your ear­holes. climb aboard the mothership.

  • The Night Shift

    The Night Shift fever­ish­ly sup­ports diverse, adven­tur­ous artists and musi­cal gen­res, rang­ing from Psy­che­del­ic Punk to Post-Jazz, Instru­men­tal Hip-Hop to Musique Con­crète, with a heavy focus on Cana­di­an and Inde­pen­dent artists .