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On-air now: Thank God It's Free Range! 6:30pm–8:00pm

Up next: After 8 Radio 8:00pm–10:00pm

Music Department FAQ

Our independent group/band/artist has a newly recorded CD and would like to submit it for possible airplay. How do I go about getting our CD On-air?

Mail or drop off your CD to our sta­tion at the fol­low­ing address:

C/O: Music Direc­tor
101.5 CJUM — Cam­pus Radio
Room 310, Uni­ver­si­ty Cen­tre
Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba
Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba, Cana­da
R3T 2N2

The sta­tion accepts sub­mis­sions via Wetrans­fer, Drop­box, Google dri­ve or Band­camp, Dis­co, or embed­ded links — these can be sent to michael@​umfm.​com.
We DO NOT accept sub­mis­sions of indi­vid­ual audio files as attach­ments via email (ie: MP3 or oth­er audio formats). 

Does CJUM accept singles or EPs?

CJUM has lim­it­ed shelf space and there­fore can­not accept phys­i­cal sin­gles. We will accept EPs of 4 songs or more, and these will be put into the library for vol­un­teer use.

Do you accept submissions via e-mail?

Yes, but only via a down­load­able link that is secure. In order to get your mate­r­i­al played on-air, it has to be avail­able to our vol­un­teers through our music library. Our dig­i­tal library is acces­si­ble to all pro­gram­mers if they choose to use it — these are cur­rent­ly the only resources we offer to our vol­un­teers for new music, but in no way does it lim­it the music they are able to play. If you have ques­tions, please email our pro­gram direc­tor, Michael Elves at michael@​umfm.​com

I've submitted material, but would like to get some feedback on the amount of airplay it's receiving. Who would I contact?

Con­tact Michael Elves at michael@​umfm.​com

*We are cur­rent­ly oper­at­ing under dif­fer­ent cir­cum­stances due to COVID, if you required track­ing, the best way to reach our pro­gram direc­tor is via email.*

How are chart selections determined?

The chart is deter­mined week­ly and is tab­u­lat­ed accord­ing to actu­al DJ plays (not auto­mat­ed ones) of new releas­es which CJUM has in its CD library. CJUM will not chart albums it does not possess.

Who decides what is played on-air?

Ulti­mate­ly, it is our vol­un­teers who decide what is played on-air. The sta­tion offers a wide vari­ety of mate­r­i­al in our CD library, but a show host isn’t lim­it­ed to mate­r­i­al from our library. They can essen­tial­ly play what­ev­er they like, as long as it sat­is­fies the sta­tion’s CRTC require­ments, and the show’s mandate.

Why don't you guys play any Top 40 Music?

CJUM strives to offer pro­gram­ming that is an alter­na­tive to com­mer­cial radio sta­tions. What this means is that we don’t play com­mer­cial music. In addi­tion to our own in-house poli­cies & philoso­phies regard­ing this, it’s also in our license that we can’t play selec­tions that have chart­ed on var­i­ous charts from around the world, includ­ing the Bill­board Hot 100, Much­mu­sic and Soundscan.

If I'm an artist / label /promoter, when can I do tracking on my album?

Track­ing by email is avail­able through­out the week and a response is usu­al­ly with­in 24 hours.