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On-air now: Thank God It's Free Range! 6:30pm–8:00pm

Up next: After 8 Radio 8:00pm–10:00pm

Program Directory

Folk & Roots

  • Album Authority

    Hel­lo and Wel­come to Album Author­i­ty, the show where I, The Album Author­i­ty tell you which albums you’re allowed to enjoy and what to think of them. Each week I go through an album of any genre and give my thoughts on it, some infor­ma­tion and seem­ing­ly unim­por­tant and strange per­son­al anec­dotes. Tune in every Tues­day at 2 – 3 pm for the

    Fore­most expert’s author­i­ty on music” — Coop­er Beaudette

  • Beer For Breakfast

    Tasti­er than toast, Beer For Break­fast is a full-serv­ing of home­grown artists, with a side order of vis­it­ing musi­cians.

    Span­ning all gen­res with the sweet sounds of Peg City since 1999, Broose deliv­ers direct to your radio; news, show list­ings, inter­views, per­for­mances, and tons of tunes; live, baby, live, every Sat­ur­day morn­ing at 8am.

    Plus, we end every show with the Near­ly Sci­en­tif­ic Six Pack — the six hottest songs from Peg City.

    Thank you for sup­port­ing local music.

  • Dagwood Radio

    Cre­at­ing a musi­cal dag­wood sand­wich each week using two tasty Cana­di­an and local pieces of bread and fill­ing the mid­dle with music around the world to cre­ate a deli­cious hour of music for your ears

  • Drifter In The Dark

    A week­ly mod­ern day mix-tape. Not bound to any par­tic­u­lar genre. We shift from new col­lege rock/​indie favourites, punk to funk, surf/​garage rock, folksy, bluesy, etc. 

    Email: drifter@​umfm.​com | Facebook/​X/​IG/​Threads: @drifterumfm

  • eTown

    eTown’s mis­sion is to edu­cate, enter­tain and inspire a diverse audi­ence through music and con­ver­sa­tion in order to cre­ate a social­ly respon­si­ble and envi­ron­men­tal­ly sus­tain­able world.

  • Expansive Prairie Skies

    Expan­sive Prairie Skies draws inspi­ra­tion from the wide open vis­tas that sur­round Win­nipeg.
    It’s the oppo­site of feel­ing hemmed in.
    It’s the sound­track to a late night dri­ve beneath a boun­ty of con­stel­la­tions.
    Con­tem­po­rary clas­si­cal and actu­al clas­si­cal.
    Avant-garde and musique con­crete.
    Noise and ambi­ent music.
    Jazz and more jazz.
    The host pro­vides the son­ic stratos­phere,
    the music does the talk­ing, you do the dreaming.

  • Festival Express

    Join some of your favorite UMFM hosts as they pre­view fes­ti­val sea­son here in Win­nipeg, fea­tur­ing inter­views and music from just a few of the great artists head­ed to Winnipeg!

  • Free Range Radio

    Your ol’ pal Skip­py cov­ers the musi­cal land­scape! Tune in each week for great music and what­ev­er else comes his way!

  • High Country Celtic Radio

    From Nevada’s high desert to the mighty Sier­ra, Katie and Joe jour­ney across the world of Celtic Tra­di­tion­al and Con­tem­po­rary music. High Coun­try Celtic Radio is a one-hour radio show curat­ed by two hosts focus­ing on the tra­di­tion­al music of Ire­land, Scot­land, Wales, Brit­tany, North­ern Spain, and the Isle of Man, played by musi­cians from across the world. 

    The ener­gy and soul of tra­di­tion­al music tran­scends cul­tures, whether it’s a solo fid­dle in a qui­et pub, a high-ener­gy ensem­ble, or a full-on Bre­ton bagad. Our hope is that it gets you in the mood to sing and dance and makes your day that much bet­ter. This music is for liv­ing, and we love shar­ing it with you. 

  • Live on KEXP

    Live Music record­ed local­ly and dis­trib­uted around the world. Brought to you by KEXP.

    Under the Nee­dle is a week­ly series fea­tur­ing the best of KEXP’s live in-stu­dio per­for­mances. With finan­cial sup­port from the Cor­po­ra­tion for Pub­lic Broad­cast­ing, KEXP is mak­ing this week­ly series avail­able at no cost to col­lege and com­mu­ni­ty sta­tions from across the coun­try. Each show is also archived and avail­able on this site. KEXP hosts over 400 in-stu­dio ses­sions each year, includ­ing a range of gen­res and a mix of well-estab­lished and up-and-com­ing artists. Kevin Cole and his staff choose among these ses­sions to bring an eclec­tic mix of incred­i­ble live per­for­mances to Under the Needle.

  • Planet Mainstage

    Plan­et Main­stage is tru­ly music with­out bor­ders, play­ing you the best in World and Folk music from near and afar each and every Sat­ur­day after­noon from 2 to 4 pm! (Face­book: Plan­et Mainstage)

  • Sixties Expressions

    Six­ties Expres­sions is your only radio pro­gram ded­i­cat­ed to the music of just the 1960s, bring­ing you a diverse vari­ety of 1960s artists, you can expect to hear The Rolling Stones, Frank Sina­tra, Oscar Peter­son Trio, Man­to­vani, The Allan Sis­ters and even The Lettermen. 

    Also lis­ten for spe­cial pro­grams, such as The Psy­che­del­ic Six­ties”, Win­nipeg in the 60s” and The British Inva­sion Spe­cial”

  • Tell The Band To Go Home

    Tell The Band To Go Home is a week­ly cel­e­bra­tion of great songs and the peo­ple who bring them to life. I play songs from some of the great­est song­writ­ers of all time, includ­ing John Prine, Lyle Lovett, Fred Eagle­smith, Willie P. Ben­nett, and many more. Along with the leg­ends, I also focus on the the hottest new writ­ers of today. Every week, I try to have a dif­fer­ent musi­cal guest who can give us some insight into their songs and their per­son­al­i­ty. Pre­vi­ous guests include: David Francey, Gurf Mor­lix, James McMurtry, Eliza Gilkyson, John May­er, and many more. Also, I’m often joined by local singer/​songwriters in the stu­dio for a talk and some live music. Local favourites like Del Bar­ber, JP Hoe, Nathan, The Wailin’ Jen­nys, Scott Nolan, and many more have all stopped by. If you’re inter­est­ed in great music on a Sun­day after­noon, check out Tell The Band To Go Home every week.

  • Thank God It's Free Range!

    Thank God It’s Free Range! Join host (and UMFM Pro­gram Direc­tor) Michael Elves as he starts the week­end off with a run­down on upcom­ing shows; inter­views with local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al artists; and all sorts of good music. Here on 101.5 UMFM, the week­end starts now!

  • The Best Of Buckles

    Buck­le-Up Radio was like the Hodge Podge cat­e­go­ry on JEOP­ARDY! Any­thing and every­thing was game, whether it wass Jazz, Psy­che­del­lic, Folk, Coun­try, or strange Kitsch, you got it on Buckle-Up.

    After 10 plus years shar­ing some amaz­ing music, as well as the sto­ries behind it, Mr. Buck­les hung up his head­phones. So many of you out there had made this won­der­ful show a part of your Sat­ur­day morn­ing rou­tine, so we decid­ed that every oth­er week we would give you a taste. 

    This is The Best Of Buck­les.…

    **please note, no new shows are being pro­duced — if you have a request for an episode you would like to hear, please let us know!**

  • the rest is noise

    doing it to you in your earhole

  • UMFM Night Mix

    laten­ite robot sounds

  • Whoop It Up...With UMFM

    Beer For Break­fasts Broose Tul­loch sits down with some of the great artists head­ing to the Whoop & Hol­lar Folk Fes­ti­val in sun­ny Portage La Prairie! 

  • Witchpolice Radio

    A bunch of dudes sit­ting around lis­ten­ing to records and argu­ing. The dis­cus­sion and musi­cal selec­tions of each epsiode are based around a week­ly theme. Fea­tur­ing hosts Sam, Jon and Rob, all of whom are in or have been in bands togeth­er in var­i­ous com­bi­na­tions since 1995

    Guest hosts appear week­ly, includ­ing local musi­cians who per­form live on the show.