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On-air now: Thank God It's Free Range! 6:30pm–8:00pm

Up next: After 8 Radio 8:00pm–10:00pm

Program Directory

  • J. Shields Presents...

    Method­i­cal­ly craft­ed mix­es from the music mind of Jason Shields…

  • Jazz Boulevard

    Now in its 18th year on-air, Jazz Boule­vard is a mix of the lat­est releas­es from musi­cians out in the clubs today, clas­sic tracks from yes­ter­year, and a sprin­kling of Blues, Roots, and World.

  • Juke In The Back

    Matt The Cat presents the soul that came before rock n’ roll: 1950s rhythm and blues. Each week, this under­rat­ed and rol­lick­ing music plays on that old Rock­o­la Juke­box in the back.

    If you want­ed to hear rhythm & blues dur­ing the 1950s, you couldn’t get it from the juke box in the front. No, no! In order to hear that glo­ri­ous, down and dirty R&B, you had to go to the low-lit, spit-shined Juke In The Back.” These songs are the build­ing blocks of rock n’ roll. These are the records that inspired Elvis and sin­gle-hand­ed­ly led to the rock n’ roll explo­sion of the mid-1950s.

  • Jungle Telegraph

    Greet­ings every­one, wel­come to Jun­gle Tele­graph, my name is Nic­co, from the city of Firen­ze, Italy. The goal would be to show­case the best in vin­tage music, I will put the spot­light on rhyth­m’n’blues, old rock­’n’roll, soul, funk, punk rock and all the dots in between.