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On-air now: Re: Define Radio 12:00am–1:00am

Up next: Vanguard Radio 1:00am–3:00am

Program Directory

  • A Sordid Hour

    A week­ly broad­cast ded­i­cat­ed to Rock n’ Roll, spe­cial­iz­ing in noise rock, garage, punk, sleaze, stoner/​sludge & hard rock. A Sor­did Hour gives refuge to the aspir­ing, the unfa­mil­iar, under-rat­ed and unsung bas­tions of rock and roll.

  • Afro-Amalgamation Podcast

    In depth con­ver­sa­tions about issues impact­ing the black com­mu­ni­ty in Man­i­to­ba, Win­nipeg and the Uni­ver­si­ty in Gen­er­al. 101.5’s Octavius sits down to have a chat about iden­ti­ty, schol­ar­ship and oth­er con­tem­po­rary issues with guest show­cas­ing his laid back con­ver­sa­tion­al­ist style of interview. 

  • After 8 Radio

    Fun break­beat­’y music, mixed live on air. Bumpy UKG and bassy house too! With guests some­times ;D

  • Album Authority

    Hel­lo and Wel­come to Album Author­i­ty, the show where I, The Album Author­i­ty tell you which albums you’re allowed to enjoy and what to think of them. Each week I go through an album of any genre and give my thoughts on it, some infor­ma­tion and seem­ing­ly unim­por­tant and strange per­son­al anec­dotes. Tune in every Tues­day at 2 – 3 pm for the

    Fore­most expert’s author­i­ty on music” — Coop­er Beaudette

  • All Mixed Up

    All Mixed Up is an eclec­tic mix of arts and infor­ma­tion, fea­tur­ing mood-dri­ven music mix­es and inter­views with fig­ures from the worlds of lit­er­a­ture, film, tele­vi­sion, the­ater, and the visu­al arts. The pro­gram has host­ed live per­for­mances from a diverse cast of acts, includ­ing PJ Har­vey, Ryuichi Sakamo­to, Daniel John­ston, and Olu Dara.

  • Alphabet Soup

    Have you ever want­ed to hear an hour of music where each artist or song begins with the same let­ter?
    If you haven’t before, you will now! 

  • Alternative Radio

    Estab­lished in 1986, Alter­na­tive Radio is a week­ly one-hour pub­lic affairs pro­gram offered free to all pub­lic radio sta­tions in the U.S., Cana­da, Europe, South Africa, Aus­tralia, and on short-wave on Radio for Peace Inter­na­tion­al. AR pro­vides infor­ma­tion, analy­ses and views that are fre­quent­ly ignored or dis­tort­ed in oth­er media. AR is ded­i­cat­ed to the found­ing prin­ci­ples of pub­lic broad­cast­ing, which urge that pro­gram­ming serve as a forum for con­tro­ver­sy and debate,” be diverse and pro­vide a voice for groups that may oth­er­wise be unheard.”

  • And You Don't Stop

    The 120 minute Epi­cen­ter of Hip-Hop and Rap Music, host­ed each week by the leg­endary Chuck D.
  • Art World Innovators

    Explor­ing inno­va­tors in the art world.

  • At Large

    The focus of the show is on music that has been record­ed over the last 50 years. It will include music that is loud or qui­et, soft or hard, local or dis­tant, pop­u­lar or obscure, elec­tric or acoustic, com­plex or sim­ple. The string that will tie it all togeth­er could be instru­men­ta­tion, lyrics, tim­ing, song­writ­ing, genre, feel.
