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Up next: Lost In Bass 3:00am–5:00am

Program Directory

Funk & Soul

  • Album Authority

    Hel­lo and Wel­come to Album Author­i­ty, the show where I, The Album Author­i­ty tell you which albums you’re allowed to enjoy and what to think of them. Each week I go through an album of any genre and give my thoughts on it, some infor­ma­tion and seem­ing­ly unim­por­tant and strange per­son­al anec­dotes. Tune in every Tues­day at 2 – 3 pm for the

    Fore­most expert’s author­i­ty on music” — Coop­er Beaudette

  • Beer For Breakfast

    Tasti­er than toast, Beer For Break­fast is a full-serv­ing of home­grown artists, with a side order of vis­it­ing musi­cians.

    Span­ning all gen­res with the sweet sounds of Peg City since 1999, Broose deliv­ers direct to your radio; news, show list­ings, inter­views, per­for­mances, and tons of tunes; live, baby, live, every Sat­ur­day morn­ing at 8am.

    Plus, we end every show with the Near­ly Sci­en­tif­ic Six Pack — the six hottest songs from Peg City.

    Thank you for sup­port­ing local music.

  • Bonnie & Clyde


  • Dagwood Radio

    Cre­at­ing a musi­cal dag­wood sand­wich each week using two tasty Cana­di­an and local pieces of bread and fill­ing the mid­dle with music around the world to cre­ate a deli­cious hour of music for your ears

  • digital planets

    the dif­fer­ent find­ings & sur­round­ings in my uni­verse that elic­it the best type of feel­ings — the feel­ings brought by music (cause boo­gie jive & rap is life where i’m from)⋆.♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.

  • Drifter In The Dark

    A week­ly mod­ern day mix-tape. Not bound to any par­tic­u­lar genre. We shift from new col­lege rock/​indie favourites, punk to funk, surf/​garage rock, folksy, bluesy, etc. 

    Email: drifter@​umfm.​com | Facebook/​X/​IG/​Threads: @drifterumfm

  • Expansive Prairie Skies

    Expan­sive Prairie Skies draws inspi­ra­tion from the wide open vis­tas that sur­round Win­nipeg.
    It’s the oppo­site of feel­ing hemmed in.
    It’s the sound­track to a late night dri­ve beneath a boun­ty of con­stel­la­tions.
    Con­tem­po­rary clas­si­cal and actu­al clas­si­cal.
    Avant-garde and musique con­crete.
    Noise and ambi­ent music.
    Jazz and more jazz.
    The host pro­vides the son­ic stratos­phere,
    the music does the talk­ing, you do the dreaming.

  • Free Range Radio

    Your ol’ pal Skip­py cov­ers the musi­cal land­scape! Tune in each week for great music and what­ev­er else comes his way!

  • Have We Met?

    Curat­ed playlists of new releas­es, deep cuts from famil­iar artists, and what­ev­er else I feel like. Hip-hop, elec­tron­ic, alter­na­tive, what else?

  • International Feel

    From the hosts that brought you Gold­soundz, 3D Radio, and Crude Radio, comes Inter­na­tion­al Feel, a kalei­do­scope of obscure Funk, Jazz, Reg­gae, and oth­er spaced-out weird­ness from around the world. Join Corey and Nate live, every Wednes­day night from 9 – 10pm CT for a wild evening of music and laugh­ter. We hope you enjoy!

  • Juke In The Back

    Matt The Cat presents the soul that came before rock n’ roll: 1950s rhythm and blues. Each week, this under­rat­ed and rol­lick­ing music plays on that old Rock­o­la Juke­box in the back.

    If you want­ed to hear rhythm & blues dur­ing the 1950s, you couldn’t get it from the juke box in the front. No, no! In order to hear that glo­ri­ous, down and dirty R&B, you had to go to the low-lit, spit-shined Juke In The Back.” These songs are the build­ing blocks of rock n’ roll. These are the records that inspired Elvis and sin­gle-hand­ed­ly led to the rock n’ roll explo­sion of the mid-1950s.

  • Jungle Telegraph

    Greet­ings every­one, wel­come to Jun­gle Tele­graph, my name is Nic­co, from the city of Firen­ze, Italy. The goal would be to show­case the best in vin­tage music, I will put the spot­light on rhyth­m’n’blues, old rock­’n’roll, soul, funk, punk rock and all the dots in between.

  • Modern Jetset

    Come fly the fan­cy skies! Iris Berke­ley is your pilot for Mod­ern Jet­set, a round-the-world trip from soul to syn­th­pop, reg­gae to R&B, Latin to lounge, and more. Tune in week­ly for selec­tions that con­nect the dots between fresh new releas­es and the vin­tage sounds that inspire today’s inde­pen­dent music landscape.

  • Night Light

    Bring­ing you the lat­est in neo soul, funk, indie pop and elec­tron­ic tunes, with an empha­sis on wom­en’s voices. 

  • Night Train Cocktail Lounge

    The lounge rides into the past, fea­tur­ing music and lost sounds from the 1860s to the 1970s. The show fol­lows the rails amid a mix of direc­tions, includ­ing surf, sound­tracks, garage, pro­to-punk, pop, No Wave, jazz, com­posed, blues, com­e­dy, cylin­der and 78 record­ings, rock n roll, old coun­try, field record­ings from around the world and what­ev­er is scratched onto warped vinyl hid­den in the the bot­tom of those box­es tucked away in your grand­moth­er’s attic.

  • No Lone Aesthetic (NLA)


  • On Target

    It’s what’s in the grooves that count! an hour of rare groove, deep cuts, and for­got­ten gems from the 60s and ear­ly 70s. 100% vinyl spin­ning at 45 rev­o­lu­tions per minute.

  • Punks In Parkas

    Join Pen­ny Lane every Thurs­day night at 9 PM CST for Punks in Parkas.

    Punks in Parkas, which hit the air in the Spring of 2005, is an ever evolv­ing musi­cal jour­ney, focus­ing on the best of the Mod gen­era, along with a good help­ing of jazz, funk, soul, orig­i­nal R&B, psych, garage rock and more.

    Fol­low Pen­ny Lane on Twit­ter and Insta­gram. Also be sure to give Punks in Parkas a like on Facebook! 

    Read mus­ings on love, life, muisc, and more by Pen­ny Lane on The Felo­nius Spunk blog!

  • Sixties Expressions

    Six­ties Expres­sions is your only Win­nipeg radio pro­gram ded­i­cat­ed to just the music of the 1960s, bring­ing you a diverse vari­ety of 1960s artists, you can expect to hear artists such as The Rolling Stones, Gor­don Light­foot, Fran­coise Hardy, Man­to­vani, Les­ley Gore and Chad Allan and The Expressions. 

    Also lis­ten for spe­cial pro­grams, such as The Psy­che­del­ic Six­ties”, Win­nipeg in the 60s” and The British Inva­sion Spe­cial”

  • Thank God It's Free Range!

    Thank God It’s Free Range! Join host (and UMFM Pro­gram Direc­tor) Michael Elves as he starts the week­end off with a run­down on upcom­ing shows; inter­views with local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al artists; and all sorts of good music. Here on 101.5 UMFM, the week­end starts now!