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On-air now: The Heat Wave Baby Shutdown 12:00pm–2:00pm

Up next: Planet Mainstage 2:00pm–4:00pm

Program Directory

  • Fascinatin' Rhythm

    This jazz show from 10:00 until noon every Sun­day is designed to enlight­en and pro­voke thought about the music and artists by offer­ing themes most weeks, from trib­ute to artists, to such top­ics as the evo­lu­tion of a giv­en instru­ment, to com­posers vs arrangers, artists who died pre­ma­ture­ly, to sea­son­al songs (ie. tunes about a giv­en sea­son), to jazz in the cin­e­ma, etc. Guests are always wel­come to pro­mote their music or concerts.…Rare records are uti­lized, as well as cds from Ray’s vast col­lec­tion from years of col­lect­ing. Some might say, the pro­gram is an attempt to re-vital­ize jour­nal­ism in music. I have often thought about a show about music, with­out actu­al­ly using it!

  • Festival Express

    Join some of your favorite UMFM hosts as they pre­view fes­ti­val sea­son here in Win­nipeg, fea­tur­ing inter­views and music from just a few of the great artists head­ed to Winnipeg!

  • First Voices Indigenous Radio

    Rough­ly 350 mil­lion Indige­nous peo­ples world­wide that are strug­gling to main­tain their cul­tures. FVIR is bring­ing those sto­ries and fea­tures to your ears from all con­ti­nents of Moth­er Earth. Some­day soon, if not now, the rest of human­i­ty will need those very same real Indige­nous cul­tures that mod­ern­iza­tion and so-called civ­i­liza­tion is destroying.

  • For The Wild

    For The Wild is an anthol­o­gy of the Anthro­pocene; focused on land based pro­tec­tion, co-lib­er­a­ton and inter­sec­tion­al sto­ry­telling root­ed in a par­a­digm shift from human suprema­cy towards deep ecology.

  • Freakonomics

    Freako­nom­ics Radio fer­rets out con­nec­tions between seem­ing­ly unre­lat­ed things. The pro­gram explores the rid­dles of every­day life and the weird wrin­kles of human nature — from cheat­ing and crime to par­ent­ing and sports — using the tools of eco­nom­ics to explore real-world behavior.

  • Free Range Radio

    Your ol’ pal Skip­py cov­ers the musi­cal land­scape! Tune in each week for great music and what­ev­er else comes his way!

  • From The Vault

    From the Vault is the Paci­fi­ca Radio Archives’ week­ly pro­gram Remix­ing and Remem­ber­ing the past by explor­ing the vast­ness of sound with­in the vault of Amer­i­ca’s largest pub­lic radio archive.

  • Full Moon Hacksaw

    Tasty Jazz, Blues, Rock­a­bil­ly, Orig­i­nals & 60s Music. A week­ly pro­gram spot­light­ing clas­sic and mod­ern jazz and blues.