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On-air now: Thank God It's Free Range! 6:30pm–8:00pm

Up next: After 8 Radio 8:00pm–10:00pm

Program Directory

  • Talkin' Hockey - The Hockey Talkin' Show

    Hel­lo out there, we’re on the air! 

    It’s your ol’ pals co-host Tom and co-host Jared, and it’s time to talk some hockey.

    We don’t pre­tend to be insid­ers or know-it-all experts, no, we are just two pret­ty reg­u­lar dudes who play hock­ey, watch hock­ey and talk hockey! 

    Tune in each week to hear the fel­las talkin’: fun facts about your favourite play­ers from bygone eras; dis­cus­sion of cur­rent events and hot top­ics; beer league chat­ter and rink­side ban­ter; the occa­sion­al guest (check the archives for when we had lots of guests over the pan­dem­ic era) … and much more! 

    Plus, we always have some great tunes to spin on the show, lots of can-con and bangers galore.

    Hope you can join us, and remem­ber — keep your stick on the ice!

  • Talking Radical Radio

    In these week­ly, in-depth inter­views, you get to hear grass­roots activists engaged in a broad range of social change work in com­mu­ni­ties across Cana­da talk about what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and why they’re doing it. You get an oppor­tu­ni­ty to lis­ten and to learn — about aspects of the world around us that are made vis­i­ble through these activists’ strug­gles; about choic­es, suc­cess­es, and fail­ures in their orga­niz­ing that can inform your own; and about pos­si­bil­i­ties for col­lab­o­ra­tion and solidarity.

  • Tell The Band To Go Home

    Tell The Band To Go Home is a week­ly cel­e­bra­tion of great songs and the peo­ple who bring them to life. I play songs from some of the great­est song­writ­ers of all time, includ­ing John Prine, Lyle Lovett, Fred Eagle­smith, Willie P. Ben­nett, and many more. Along with the leg­ends, I also focus on the the hottest new writ­ers of today. Every week, I try to have a dif­fer­ent musi­cal guest who can give us some insight into their songs and their per­son­al­i­ty. Pre­vi­ous guests include: David Francey, Gurf Mor­lix, James McMurtry, Eliza Gilkyson, John May­er, and many more. Also, I’m often joined by local singer/​songwriters in the stu­dio for a talk and some live music. Local favourites like Del Bar­ber, JP Hoe, Nathan, The Wailin’ Jen­nys, Scott Nolan, and many more have all stopped by. If you’re inter­est­ed in great music on a Sun­day after­noon, check out Tell The Band To Go Home every week.

  • Terra Informa

    Ter­ra Infor­ma is your source for local and inter­na­tion­al envi­ron­men­tal news with an Alber­tan and Cana­di­an per­spec­tive. Based out of the CJSR news depart­ment in Edmon­ton, Alber­ta we strive to inform and cre­ate awar­ness about the under-report­ed con­nec­tions between our lives and the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment. Every week we pro­duce a show com­prised of an envi­ron­men­tal news overview, fea­ture seg­ments which often includ­ed inter­views with aca­d­e­mics, activists and com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers to high­light local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al envi­ron­men­tal issues and their Cana­di­an or Alber­tan con­nec­tion. Each show also includes a look into what envi­ron­men­tal events are hap­pen­ing in our communities.

  • Thank God It's Free Range!

    Thank God It’s Free Range! Join host (and UMFM Pro­gram Direc­tor) Michael Elves as he starts the week­end off with a run­down on upcom­ing shows; inter­views with local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al artists; and all sorts of good music. Here on 101.5 UMFM, the week­end starts now!

  • That Driving Beat!

    That Dri­ving Beat is an all-vinyl radio dance par­ty spin­ning 1960s soul, rhythm & blues, garage rock, pop, and oth­er movers and shak­ers from the 1960s! These tunes come from Detroit to Mem­phis, Mus­cle Shoals to Lon­don, New York to New Orleans, and any­where else upbeat dance tunes and juke joint anthems were get­ting laid down and pressed on wax. You can call some of it North­ern Soul, most of it Mod, but it’s all got That Dri­ving Beat!

  • That's Wallflower Talk!

  • The Batcave

    Join your host Dra­c­uli­na for a hour of dark­ness and despair, play­ing the best of 80’s dark­wave, syn­th­pop, goth­ic and so much more.

    I Like Spi­ders, loss and rain I’m only hap­py when I’m in pain”

  • The Bench Jockeys

    talkin’ base­ball

  • The Best Of Buckles

    Buck­le-Up Radio was like the Hodge Podge cat­e­go­ry on JEOP­ARDY! Any­thing and every­thing was game, whether it wass Jazz, Psy­che­del­lic, Folk, Coun­try, or strange Kitsch, you got it on Buckle-Up.

    After 10 plus years shar­ing some amaz­ing music, as well as the sto­ries behind it, Mr. Buck­les hung up his head­phones. So many of you out there had made this won­der­ful show a part of your Sat­ur­day morn­ing rou­tine, so we decid­ed that every oth­er week we would give you a taste. 

    This is The Best Of Buck­les.…

    **please note, no new shows are being pro­duced — if you have a request for an episode you would like to hear, please let us know!**

  • The Green Majority

    The Green Major­i­ty is a week­ly envi­ron­men­tal news pro­gram pro­duced live at CIUT in Toron­to, Cana­da and broad­cast on cam­pus and com­mu­ni­ty sta­tions across the coun­try. The show, Canada’s first and only envi­ron­men­tal news-hour, is pro­duced by a ded­i­cat­ed team of vol­un­teers. Tune into the broad­cast or down­load the pod­cast for envi­ron­men­tal head­lines, guest fea­tures and analy­sis of Canada’s most impor­tant eco­log­i­cal events. The Green Major­i­ty oper­ates with a BY-NC cre­ative com­mons license. The Green Major­i­ty is a week­ly envi­ron­men­tal news pro­gram pro­duced live at CIUT in Toron­to, Cana­da and broad­cast on cam­pus and com­mu­ni­ty sta­tions across the coun­try. The show, Canada’s first and only envi­ron­men­tal news-hour, is pro­duced by a ded­i­cat­ed team of vol­un­teers. Tune into the broad­cast or down­load the pod­cast for envi­ron­men­tal head­lines, guest fea­tures and analy­sis of Canada’s most impor­tant eco­log­i­cal events. The Green Major­i­ty oper­ates with a BY-NC cre­ative com­mons license.

  • The Heat Wave Baby Shutdown

    The hottest show on the plan­et cre­at­ing the bridge between African and Inter­na­tion­al artists . Afro Fusion, Hip Hop , Trap , Drill, R N B and aspir­ing artists from all over the globe. It’s a total shut­down. HWBS

  • The Hockey Show

    The Hock­ey Show with Tee­bz and Beans is all about the good ol’ hock­ey game! Every week, Tee­bz and Beans will get down to busi­ness dis­cussing news and issues from the NHL, AHL, KHL, CHL, NCAA, CIS, and any oth­er hock­ey-relat­ed mat­ter that catch­es their atten­tion. Watch for spe­cial guests to join them on the show, and make sure you’re near your phone if you want to ask the guys any hock­ey-relat­ed ques­tion! They will also be giv­ing away prizes through­out the year, so be sure to tune in if you want some free gear!

    Tee­bz is a long-time hock­ey fan with a pas­sion for the game like no oth­er. He authors Hock­ey Blog In Cana­da, and rou­tine­ly attends any and all hock­ey games he can — NHL right down to the tykes at the local are­na! Hav­ing played for many years, the defence­man now reserves his hock­ey rage for spongee on the out­door rinks in Winnipeg.

    Anoth­er defence­man, Beans is still play­ing hock­ey in local beer leagues — some­times for beers! When he’s not at the rink, he’s usu­al­ly busy at school as he works at his trade. How­ev­er, when Hock­ey Night In Cana­da hits the air­waves or when he get can to a rink, Beans shows his true love of the game!

  • The Learning Curve

    The Learn­ing Curve is a show about learn­ing. Join hosts Monique and Tim from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Manitoba’s Aca­d­e­m­ic Learn­ing Cen­tre as they explore research and resources relat­ed to var­i­ous learn­ing tech­niques. Each week will also fea­ture a dis­cus­sion of dif­fer­ent resources on cam­pus that stu­dents can make use of while study­ing at the U of M. Get ahead of the curve!

  • The Mix Sessions

    The Mix Ses­sions is a glob­al gath­er­ing of music fans every week bring­ing you the best under­ground elec­tron­ic music around includ­ing Elec­tron­i­ca, Trip Hop, Drum & Bass and Deep House.

  • The Mothership

    the best in late night sounds, curat­ed week­ly for your ear­holes. climb aboard the mothership.

  • The Night Shift

    The Night Shift fever­ish­ly sup­ports diverse, adven­tur­ous artists and musi­cal gen­res, rang­ing from Psy­che­del­ic Punk to Post-Jazz, Instru­men­tal Hip-Hop to Musique Con­crète, with a heavy focus on Cana­di­an and Inde­pen­dent artists .

  • The Pity Party

    An hour long explorato­ry show about mid­west emo music, its roots and its cur­rent revival.

    Come join Bryan on Fri­day after­noons where we dis­cuss the past, present, and future of an ever evolv­ing genre.

  • the rest is noise

    doing it to you in your earhole

  • The Sentinel's Marvellous Kaleidoscope

    Through this lens, you will be guid­ed on audi­ble explo­rations, gaz­ing across the ever-chang­ing hori­zon of music. The fan­tas­ti­cal sound­scape is filled with land­marks, relics and anom­alies in pro­gres­sive, fusion and alter­na­tive styles, near and far. Each obser­va­tion­al ses­sion is con­stel­la­to­ry, pul­ver­iz­ing, mys­ti­fy­ing… and sim­ply marvellous.