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Up next: Drifter In The Dark 9:00pm–10:00pm

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Two pas­sion­ate indige­nous orga­niz­ers — one in North Dako­ta and one on Guam — describe the envi­ron­men­tal toll on their home­lands and con­demn the UN, indus­try and gov­ern­ments for pro­mot­ing false cli­mate solu­tions such as car­bon cred­it trad­ing and ignor­ing both indige­nous input and the heart of the mat­ter. They say solu­tions must be local­ly adapt­ed and include leav­ing fos­sil fuels in the ground.

Speak­ers: Maria Gilardin, pro­duc­er of TUC Radio; Kan­di (Eagle Woman), orga­niz­er with the Indige­nous Envi­ron­men­tal Net­work, whose home base is a reser­va­tion in North Dako­ta that has been destroyed by dams and fuel extrac­tion; Mune­ka [moon YEK uh] De Oro, a peace and cli­mate orga­niz­er from the Mar­i­anas Islands in the Pacif­ic, who names mil­i­ta­riza­tion and the pol­lu­tion, glob­al warm­ing and phys­i­cal and social destruc­tion that come with it as the region’s pri­ma­ry issue.

Cred­its: Pro­duced by Maria Gilardin and Frie­da Wer­den, with audio from the webi­nar Hood­winked in the Hot­house, pro­duced by the Indige­nous Envi­ron­men­tal Net­work and The New School.