Pledge-O-Rama 2024 was an amazing success - you helped us smash our goal and we can't thank you enough for your support!

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On-air now: the rest is noise 7:00pm–9:00pm

Up next: Drifter In The Dark 9:00pm–10:00pm

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Win­ter Sol­stice (Decem­ber 21 in the North­ern Hemi­sphere) is a phys­i­cal event and it is also an occa­sion for rit­u­al and con­tem­pla­tion. In this pro­gram, Frie­da Wer­den asks ques­tions of two expe­ri­enced prac­ti­tion­ers of an earth-based, women-cen­tred reli­gion about what they do and how they came to their voca­tions. They also make sug­ges­tions for pri­vate­ly engag­ing with the dark­est night. Lete­cia Layson and Holin Ken­nen (Black­moon) are high priest­esses of Dian­ic Wic­ca in the Z. Budapest Line. Music excerpt­ed from Luci­na Chant,” sung by Ruth Rhi­an­non Bar­rett and com­posed by Kay Gard­ner, from the album The Year Is a Danc­ing Woman, Part 1. (Bar­rett ordained both guests.)