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Whoop It Up...With UMFM

On episode 4, Broose is joined by excel­lent prairie song­writer Shay Wolf!

Born and raised in the Cana­di­an prairies, Shay Wolf has been a musi­cian for 20+ years and an artist and cre­ator since 2016. Her music explores the bal­ance of oppo­sites; her vocals and melody are dreamy yet sor­row­ful, her lyrics are scorn­ful yet opti­mistic. She encap­su­lates lis­ten­ers through her haunt­ing, lilt­ing melodies, strong sto­ry­telling and piano accom­pa­ni­ment. Orig­i­nal­ly hail­ing from Regi­na, Shay grew up com­pet­ing and play­ing clas­si­cal piano, in which she won sev­er­al awards. She start­ed song­writ­ing in 2016 and now lives in Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba. Shay released her debut EP, Stay” in March 2023.

Don’t miss Shay Wolf as she per­forms at the Ukrain­ian Con­nec­tion Band­stand in Island Park as part of this year’s Whoop & Hol­lar Folk Fes­ti­val in beau­ti­ful Portage La Prairie on Sun­day, August 27th at 3:30PM.