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Whoop It Up...With UMFM

On episode 3, Broose is joined by fan­tas­tic indie pop group Bicy­cle Face!

Bicy­cle Face is a melod­ic pop duo hail­ing from Win­nipeg, Man­i­to­ba. Idio­syn­crat­ic lyrics tell sto­ries of ambiva­lent fairy tale hero­ines, lost love in out­er space, and com­put­er virus­es intent on world dom­i­na­tion. Fea­tur­ing elat­ed elec­tric gui­tar, scin­til­lat­ing syn­the­siz­er, and intri­cate har­monies, Bicy­cle Face will draw you in with a sound akin to the most whim­si­cal side of Met­ric, or Joan­na New­som with effects pedals.

Don’t miss Bicy­cle Face as they take over the stage at this year’s Whoop & Hol­lar Folk Fes­ti­val in beau­ti­ful Portage La Prairie on Sat­ur­day, August 26th for 3(!!!) amaz­ing shows at the Red Barn/​Harlequin Hang­out — at 8, 9:15 and 10:40 (all in the PM!) .