Pledge-O-Rama 2024 was an amazing success - you helped us smash our goal and we can't thank you enough for your support!

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On-air now: On Target 6:00pm–7:00pm

Up next: the rest is noise 7:00pm–9:00pm

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Writer's Voice

Our micro­bio­me, the col­lec­tion of microbes that live in and on our bod­ies, is under threat. Antibi­otics, processed foods, and even stress can dis­rupt the del­i­cate bal­ance of our gut bac­te­ria, lead­ing to a range of health prob­lems. Prob­lems with our gut micro­bio­me could be fac­tors in the rise of dia­betes, obe­si­ty, food aller­gies and even devel­op­men­tal dis­or­ders like autism.

We talk with film­mak­ers Sarah Schenck and Steven Lawrence about their film The Invis­i­ble Extinc­tion. It’s about the threats to our life-sup­port­ing micro­bio­me and the sci­en­tists rac­ing to save our van­ish­ing microbes before it’s too late.