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Big Top Fringe Takes Over Win­nipeg, July 13th thru July 24th

Step right up, ladies, gen­tle­men and Fringers of all ages (and, yes, we real­ly do mean all ages) and get ready to be thrilled, amazed and enter­tained at Big Top Fringe! Be pre­pared to wit­ness 150 of the most fan­tas­ti­cal feats of the­atri­cal dar­ing you’ve ever seen onstage – spell­bind­ing dra­mas, uproar­i­ous come­dies, musi­cal won­ders and the beau­ty of dance.

The 24th annu­al Win­nipeg Fringe The­atre Fes­ti­val is not your ordi­nary three-ring cir­cus. We have all kinds of the­atri­cal won­ders as well as lots of activ­i­ties for every­one at the Fringe Fair­ground a.k.a. Old Mar­ket Square in Winnipeg’s his­toric Exchange Dis­trict. We have tasty treats and bev­er­ages, mer­chant ven­dors with a vari­ety of wares, and be sure to take in the many musi­cians, acro­bats and jug­glers on the MTS Out­door Stage. And don’t for­get to give the lit­tle ones a thrill by vis­it­ing the free Kids Fringe activ­i­ties area.

Once again, UMFM is very proud to present some of Win­nipeg’s finest improv tal­ent, plus 2 super awe­some dj’s, in 3 must see shows! Be sure to check out the fol­low­ing, guar­enteed to make you laugh…

And as always, UMFM’s intre­pid the­ater reporter Justin Olynyk, host of Play It Again (Wednes­day nights at 8PM), will be in the mid­dle of the action check­ing out some of the great plays and telling your all about them here!