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Andino Suns with El Leon & The Strangers

Andino Suns with El Leon & The Strangers

Social process­es can be arrest­ed by nei­ther crime nor force. His­to­ry is ours, and peo­ple make his­to­ry.” – Sal­vador Allende

Andi­no Suns grew out of the desire for Andrés Dava­l­os to recre­ate the music he’d grown up lis­ten­ing to at home. His par­ents were exiled to Cana­da when a fas­cist dic­ta­tor­ship took over their home­land, Chile, in the ear­ly 70s. Though they found peace in Cana­da, Andrés’ par­ents missed ter­ri­bly the way of life from which they had been vio­lent­ly uproot­ed. They con­tin­ued to sur­round them­selves with their Chilean cul­ture, pass­ing it down to their chil­dren through sto­ries, tra­di­tion­al Andean music and folk dances, and media. It’s no sur­prise then that a world­view of polit­i­cal activism, hope, and love, under­pins the music of Andi­no Suns.

The folk­loric music of his child­hood marked Andrés indeli­bly, and by 2009 he had writ­ten a hand­ful of Span­ish songs with tra­di­tion­al Andean influ­ences. He recruit­ed his friend, Andrés Pal­ma, also a son of Chilean exiles who were sim­i­lar­ly uproot­ed to Canada. 

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