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minogondaagan: the good voice

Episode 4: Reconciliation In The Entertainment Industry

On this episode, we speak with some the Enter­tain­ment indus­tries’ most influ­en­tial Indige­nous voic­es. We pose the ques­tion — has rec­on­cil­i­a­tion hap­pened in movies or on stage? Has it hap­pened with­in the lives of these tal­ent­ed performers? 

The episode clos­es with the lat­est track from the Snot­ty Nose Rez Kids, The War­riors”. Be sure to check out more of their amaz­ing music at snot​tynoserezkids​.band​camp​.com.

Our open­ing and clos­ing theme music comes to us cour­tesy of Boogey The Beat — check out more of his bril­liant work atsound​cloud​.com/​b​o​o​g​e​y​t​h​ebeat. The inter­sti­tial music is cour­tesy of Bloom — you can hear more of their songs at bloom14​.band​camp​.com.

Mino­gondaa­gan, was pro­duced on Treaty One ter­ri­to­ry, the orig­i­nal lands of the Anishi­naabeg, Nehiyawak, Oji-Cree, Dako­ta, and Dene peo­ples, and the home­land of the Métis nation. 

We would like to thank the Com­mu­ni­ty Radio Fund Of Cana­da, the Uni­ver­si­ty Of Manitoba’s Office Of Indige­nous Engage­ment, the Nation­al Cen­tre For Truth & Rec­on­cil­li­a­tion, the Uni­ver­si­ty Of Man­i­to­ba Student’s Union and UMFM 101.5 for their sup­port in the pro­duc­tion of this series.


  • Tantoo Cardinal

    Our first guest is Metis actress and activist, Tantoo Cardinal, is a Member of the Order of Canada, one of the country's highest civilian honors. The Order of Canada recognizes Cardinal for her contributions to the growth and development of Aboriginal performing arts in Canada. Honored with the 2015 ACTRA Award of Excellence, her most notable roles include Dances With Wolves, North of 60, Blackstone and Wind River.

  • Gerry Barrett

    Our second guest is Gerry “The Big Bear” Barrett, an award winning stand-up comedian, and actor. Gerry Barrett is an Ojibway and grew up on the Saugeen First Nation in Ontario. The Big Bear is known for his biting political satire, pop culture references, skits and live music. Gerry has toured his all-Indigenous themed stand-up comedy show and tribute to Elvis to corporate events and festivals across North America.

  • Don Kelly

    Our third guest, Don Kelly, is a stand-up comedian and the Gemini-nominated host and writer of the television series Fish Out of Water, now entering its fourth season on APTN. Fish Out of Water explores Don's adventures as an urban Indian trying to learn the traditional skills and wisdom of Aboriginal peoples across Turtle Island, often with hilarious results. Don has also starred in his own national television specials on CBC's Comics and CTV's Comedy Now and has many appearances on The Debaters, the Winnipeg Comedy Festival and other programs and festivals. Don continues to perform stand-up comedy across North America. Don is a proud citizen of the Ojibways of Onigaming, a Treaty Three First Nation in Ontario.