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Episode 24: Winnipeg Police Cause Harm

Win­nipeg Police Cause Harm are com­mu­ni­ty-cen­tred and police abo­li­tion­ist.

Win­nipeg Police Cause Harm are a lead­er­less, hor­i­zon­tal­ly orga­nized group that is anti-cap­i­tal­ist, anti-carcer­al, anti-colo­nial, and anti-oppres­sive. The approach to their work is inter­sec­tion­al. They strive to apply these val­ues in their orga­niz­ing work, their inter­ac­tions with each oth­er, and in their per­son­al lives.

Win­nipeg Police Cause Harm are in hum­ble sol­i­dar­i­ty with all peo­ples and com­mu­ni­ties who are harmed by the Win­nipeg Police Ser­vice.

All their work is volunteer-based.

Win­nipeg Police Cause Harm was found­ed in Sep­tem­ber, 2019, fol­low­ing sev­er­al killings by the Win­nipeg Police Ser­vice of Indige­nous and Black peo­ple includ­ing Chad Williams, Machuar Madut, Sean Thomp­son, and Randy Cochrane. Read more about our why our group was formed, here.


  • James & Rebecca, Organizers

    James has been involved as a organizer with Winnipeg Police Cause Harm since late 2019. Rebecca is also an organizer with Winnipeg Police Cause Harm and has been involved since the summer of 2020.