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Episode 22: Resource Assistance For Youth (RaY)

For over 25 years, RaY has empow­ered dis­con­nect­ed youth through sup­ports, train­ing, and com­pas­sion to encour­age them to make the best pos­si­ble choic­es for their lives. RaY is a nation­al­ly rec­og­nized and award-win­ning non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion locat­ed in Win­nipeg, MB. RaY sup­ports youth ages 029 with inte­grat­ed pro­grams and ser­vices in a non­judg­men­tal and inclu­sive space.

RaY strives to pro­vide youth with what they need, on their terms, to bet­ter their lives. Our goal is that all youth will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to live healthy and secure lives; they will be giv­en the chance to devel­op a belief in them­selves through tools, infor­ma­tion, and pro­grams that build per­son­al capac­i­ty in order to be self-suf­fi­cient. They will no longer require RaYs ser­vices.

Over the years, RaY devel­oped new and inno­v­a­tive pro­gram­ming based on needs iden­ti­fied by youth. Sev­er­al new hous­ing pro­grams, an employ­ment and train­ing pro­gram, social enter­pris­es, and an Indige­nous-led cul­tur­al pro­gram were all devel­oped to respond to emerg­ing needs of youth. To learn more about our inte­grat­ed pro­gram deliv­ery mod­el, click here.


  • Kelly Holmes, Executive Director

    Over the past 30 years, Kelly has devoted her life to working with at risk youth here in Winnipeg, including stints at West Central Community Program, Children’s Home, Northwest Child and Family Services, and Macdonald Youth Service. In 2002, she took on a full time position at the Winnipeg offices of Operation Go Home
    (OGH), a national body working to repatriate runaways with their families. In 2004, OGH merged with another like-minded agency called Powerhouse and Resource Assistance for Youth was formed under Kelly's leadership.

  • Kate Armstrong, Communications Manager

    Kate is passionate about the nonprofit sector and helping charities overcome challenges endemic to the sector. She is currently pursuing her Master's of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management at Carleton University in the School of Public Policy and Administration. While studying, Kate works at Resource Assistance for Youth, Inc. (RaY) providing communications and fundraising expertise for the organization. Kate holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the I.H. Asper School of Business with a double major in Management of Organizations and Entrepreneurship. She is an effective communicator, strategist, and event-planner, and has enjoyed building her career in the not-for-profit sector.