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On-air now: Vanguard Radio 1:00am–3:00am

Up next: Lost In Bass 3:00am–5:00am

Program Directory


  • All Mixed Up

    All Mixed Up is an eclec­tic mix of arts and infor­ma­tion, fea­tur­ing mood-dri­ven music mix­es and inter­views with fig­ures from the worlds of lit­er­a­ture, film, tele­vi­sion, the­ater, and the visu­al arts. The pro­gram has host­ed live per­for­mances from a diverse cast of acts, includ­ing PJ Har­vey, Ryuichi Sakamo­to, Daniel John­ston, and Olu Dara.

  • Alphabet Soup

    Have you ever want­ed to hear an hour of music where each artist or song begins with the same let­ter?
    If you haven’t before, you will now! 

  • Bonnie & Clyde


  • Catching A Wave!

    Catch­ing A Wave plays the sounds of sum­mer, surf & good-time rock & roll with host Jam­min’ James Riley!

  • Night Train Cocktail Lounge

    The lounge rides into the past, fea­tur­ing music and lost sounds from the 1860s to the 1970s. The show fol­lows the rails amid a mix of direc­tions, includ­ing surf, sound­tracks, garage, pro­to-punk, pop, No Wave, jazz, com­posed, blues, com­e­dy, cylin­der and 78 record­ings, rock n roll, old coun­try, field record­ings from around the world and what­ev­er is scratched onto warped vinyl hid­den in the the bot­tom of those box­es tucked away in your grand­moth­er’s attic.

  • Sixties Expressions

    Six­ties Expres­sions is your only Win­nipeg radio pro­gram ded­i­cat­ed to just the music of the 1960s, bring­ing you a diverse vari­ety of 1960s artists, you can expect to hear artists such as The Rolling Stones, Gor­don Light­foot, Fran­coise Hardy, Man­to­vani, Les­ley Gore and Chad Allan and The Expressions. 

    Also lis­ten for spe­cial pro­grams, such as The Psy­che­del­ic Six­ties”, Win­nipeg in the 60s” and The British Inva­sion Spe­cial”

  • That Driving Beat!

    That Dri­ving Beat is an all-vinyl radio dance par­ty spin­ning 1960s soul, rhythm & blues, garage rock, pop, and oth­er movers and shak­ers from the 1960s! These tunes come from Detroit to Mem­phis, Mus­cle Shoals to Lon­don, New York to New Orleans, and any­where else upbeat dance tunes and juke joint anthems were get­ting laid down and pressed on wax. You can call some of it North­ern Soul, most of it Mod, but it’s all got That Dri­ving Beat!

  • The Best Of Buckles

    Buck­le-Up Radio was like the Hodge Podge cat­e­go­ry on JEOP­ARDY! Any­thing and every­thing was game, whether it wass Jazz, Psy­che­del­lic, Folk, Coun­try, or strange Kitsch, you got it on Buckle-Up.

    After 10 plus years shar­ing some amaz­ing music, as well as the sto­ries behind it, Mr. Buck­les hung up his head­phones. So many of you out there had made this won­der­ful show a part of your Sat­ur­day morn­ing rou­tine, so we decid­ed that every oth­er week we would give you a taste. 

    This is The Best Of Buck­les.…

    **please note, no new shows are being pro­duced — if you have a request for an episode you would like to hear, please let us know!**