Pledge-O-Rama Returns April 19th through April 26th - dig deep and support great Campus & Community Radio in Winnipeg!

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On-air now: Signal Distortion 3:00pm–4:00pm

Up next: Pastoral MIDI 4:00pm–5:00pm

Program Directory

Writer's Voice

We talk with dig­i­tal philoso­pher Dou­glas Rushkoff about his book, Sur­vival of the Rich­est: Escape Fan­tasies of the Tech Bil­lion­aires. It’s about the Mind­set of the rich­est and most pow­er­ful moguls on the plan­et and the destruc­tion it’s leav­ing in its wake.

Then, Sur­vival of the Rich­est prais­es the work of Indige­nous philoso­pher Tyson Yunka­por­ta. We air our 2020 inter­view with Yunka­por­ta about his book. Sand Talk: How Indige­nous Think­ing Can Save the World.