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Kath­leen Bar­ry is the author of sev­er­al books, includ­ing Female Sex­u­al Slav­ery, which trig­gered a glob­al move­ment against sex traf­fick­ing, and this last work, Unmak­ing War, Remak­ing Men: How Empa­thy Can Reshape our Pol­i­tics, Our Sol­diers and Our­selves. She spoke with Kate Rafael, host of Wom­en’s Mag­a­zine on com­mu­ni­ty radio KPFA in Berke­ley, Cal­i­for­nia, about both of those books. The dis­cus­sion includes some details about the Gene­va Con­ven­tions, and exam­ples of how empa­thy affect­ed men’s behav­iours and beliefs dur­ing war.