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Whoop It Up...With UMFM

On episode 4, Broose is joined by ris­ing singer/​songwriter Onna Lu!

Onna Lou is a singer-song­writer born in Buenos Aires, Argenti­na. Her music fus­es Latin pop with Argen­tine Folk, Jazz, Latin Amer­i­can rhythms, Tan­go and even Fla­men­co. Her lyrics make a deep impact on the lis­ten­er since she strikes the depth of human nature with her sharp-sight­ed views and her sub­tle but pow­er­ful poet­ry. The hon­esty of her melodies is a result of her Argen­tine roots and togeth­er with her beau­ti­ful and sen­si­tive way of look­ing at life they make her music tru­ly unique.

Don’t miss Onna Lu as she takes the stage for two dynam­ic per­for­mances at this year’s Whoop & Hol­lar Folk Fes­ti­val in beau­ti­ful Portage La Prairie — Sat­ur­day, August 27th at 2:40PM and 7PM.