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Whoop It Up...With UMFM

On episode 6, Broose is joined by splen­did song­writer Made­line Roger!

Madeleine Roger is a folk singer-song­writer from Win­nipeg, MB. While deft­ly accom­pa­ny­ing her­self on acoustic gui­tar, it is her artistry as a song­writer and sto­ry­teller that can silence a room, unit­ing her bril­liant­ly craft­ed lyrics with stun­ning melodies that linger long after they are sung. Her crit­i­cal­ly-acclaimed debut album Cot­ton­wood com­bines the ele­gant sto­ry­telling of folk tra­di­tions with the ground­ed feel of roots music.

Don’t miss Made­line Roger as she takes the main­stage as part of this year’s Whoop & Hol­lar Folk Fes­ti­val in beau­ti­ful Portage La Prairie on Sat­ur­day, August 26th at 1:15PM.

Pho­to cour­tesy of Jen Doerksen