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Whoop It Up...With UMFM

On Episode 8, Broose is joined by the supreme­ly mul­ti-tal­ent­ed Tay­lor Abra­hamse, live and direct from Toron­to!

If you’re singing along to a song you don’t know, and sud­den­ly feel­ing 10 years younger — you’re prob­a­bly at a Tay­lor Abra­hamse con­cert. Like a maple leaf caught in a gust above the Ontario prairies, Tay­lor bliss­ful­ly floats between the bor­ders of song­writ­ing with his hook-laden ham­mer­claw folk/​pop. With lit­tle more than a mahogany Mar­tin, his play­ful­ness, stun­ning songcraft & hon­esty leave audi­ences teary-eyed, elec­tri­fied, and at ease with their inner-kid. Elec­tri-eased? Eas­i­fied? What­ev­er! His roots were born from a Paul Simon/​Jim Car­rey cross­breed, ready to break the rules with a glint in his eye, a tip of his Grandpa’s old cap.

You have two chances to see Tay­lor take the stage at this year’s Whoop & Hol­lar Folk Fes­ti­val in beau­ti­ful Portage La Prairie — Sat­ur­day, August 27th at 7PM and Sun­day, August 28th at 1PM.