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Well, we seem to be talk­ing about hous­ing quite a bit across the coun­try and today’s show will be no excep­tion. Good news couldn’t come too soon to those who wait: the Rev­el­stoke Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing Soci­ety receives a $100,000 grant for its fourth hous­ing project in 10 years. The ama­teur Quadra Island The­atre, out west is going big this spring. It will be pro­duc­ing Chica­go, The Musi­cal. Over 70 peo­ple are involved. Dancers, musi­cians, pro­duc­ers and back­stage per­son­nel with dif­fer­ent lev­els of expe­ri­ence, take on the chal­lenge. And after being shown in Wash­ing­ton, DC, and across Cana­da, the REDress art project and exhib­it are fea­tured at the Queens Uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus just ahead of the Nation­al Day of Aware­ness for Miss­ing and Mur­dered Indige­nous Women, Girls and Gen­der Diverse peo­ple, on May 5.