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On-air now: The Heat Wave Baby Shutdown 12:00pm–2:00pm

Up next: Planet Mainstage 2:00pm–4:00pm

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UMFM Special Broadcasts

It’s UMFM’s annu­al fund­ing dri­ve, Pledge-O-Rama and while we focus on meet­ing our goal of $28,000, we’ll be pre­empt­ing our syn­di­cat­ed pro­grams includ­ing Democ­ra­cy Now.
On today’s takeover, UMFM PD Michael Elves talks to author Lor­ri Neilsen Glenn about The Old Moon In Her Arms and plays some recent releases.

Artist Song Album
Lucinda Williams Joy (Live) Outlaws & Outliers
Humbird Song for the Seeds Right On
Michael Feuerstack C It's Coming Together Eternity Mongers
Charley Crockett Solitary Road $10 Cowboy