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The Hockey Show

Tee­bz and Jason dis­cuss the find­ings as report­ed by The Asso­ci­at­ed Press regard­ing the deaths of John­ny and Matthew Gaudeau. They go over the hear­ing, what was said by all par­ties, and why the accused like­ly should­n’t see free­dom for a cou­ple of decades. In the bot­tom-half of the show, they turn their atten­tion to the cor­po­rate buy­out that Rogers made in secur­ing Bel­l’s own­er­ship stake of Maple Leaf Sports and Enter­tain­ment, and why this might be the death knell for anoth­er Cana­di­an insti­tu­tion. As you know, we say hock­ey is a busi­ness, not a sport” far too often on this show, and tonight’s dis­cus­sion might be a per­fect exam­ple of that.

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