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The Hockey Show

Tee­bz and Jason are proud, hon­oured, priv­i­leged, hum­bled, and pleased to wel­come Mount Roy­al Cougars cap­tain Lyn­d­sey Janes to the show! Lyn­d­sey has been doing a ton of incred­i­ble stuff on and off the ice, and we’ll chat with her about grow­ing up in Fort McMur­ray, mov­ing to Wilcox to attend Notre Dame, being recruit­ed by Mount Roy­al, some of the high­lights from her time as a Cougar, Jom­boy Medi­a’s Floor­ball 3 tour­na­ment, and a pile of oth­er fun stuff. We even pro­mote a future show by say­ing that we will have Lyn­d­sey back in the future because there’s so much stuff we can’t get to in this interview!

Artist Song Album
Taylor Swift Style 1989