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The Hockey Show

The Hock­ey Show is proud, hon­oured, priv­i­leged, hum­bled, and pleased to wel­come Mr. Dave Hill to the pro­gram! Dave is a come­di­an, radio host, musi­cian, actor, retired ama­teur hock­ey star, and an author, but Tee­bz sits down with him to dis­cuss his new book, The Awe­some Game, pub­lished by Pen­guin Ran­dom House, which is cur­rent­ly avail­able at book­stores every­where. Tee­bz and Dave dis­cuss his world­ly trav­els to see hock­ey that took him to places like Katow­ice, Poland; Tam­pere, Fin­land; Nairo­bi, Kenya; and Gatineau, Que­bec and Peter­bor­ough, Ontario where, in each of his stops, Dave tries to get answers as to why hock­ey isn’t more pop­u­lar in the US. Tee­bz and Dave dis­cuss every­thing from jer­seys and logos to wear­ing Coop­er­alls, his expe­ri­ences in those for­eign coun­tries, ads on jer­sey, and more in the interview!

Artist Song Album
Dave Hill The Awesome Game --released as single--