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The Hockey Show

Tee­bz and Jason look at the NHL ven­tur­ing into NFTs and why this might be one of the dumb­est ideas the league has ever had. Oth­er chat­ter tonight includes the PWH­L’s uni­form reveal, the Hur­ri­canes going back to 1982, the first Glob­al Series game played ear­li­er this after­noon, anoth­er update on the West­ern Mus­tangs saga, an update on the Hock­ey Cana­da 2018 World Junior team saga, and a pile of coach­es doing repug­nant things. There are some announce­ments to be heard, the Mel­bourne Moment returns, and any­thing else we can squeeze into the hour!

Artist Song Album
Straight No Chaser The Christmas Can-Can Christmas Cheers