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Terra Informa

This episode orig­i­nal­ly aired on March 21, 2022: Have you ever come face to face with the majes­tic beaver? Have you ever thought about just how impact­ful the lit­tle dam-builders are to the ecosys­tems they inhab­it? This week, Sara Chit­saz, Han­nah Cun­ning­ham, and Dylan Hall (a Ter­ra Infor­ma alum!) dis­cuss Glyn­nis Hood’s book The Beaver Man­i­festo, as well as our gen­er­al thoughts about the pop­u­lar, and some­times not-so-pop­u­lar, rodent. At the end of the episode, Sara also gives us a run-down on what beavers have been up to in the Alaskan tundra.

Link to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta’s free online Indige­nous Cana­da course, as men­tioned in the intro­duc­tion of the episode.