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Sea Change Radio

Car­bon off­sets are often tout­ed as a solu­tion to humanity’s bad habit of emit­ting an awful lot of CO2. But how many of us actu­al­ly know what things like car­bon off­sets and car­bon diox­ide removal are all about? This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak with David Ho, a pro­fes­sor in the oceanog­ra­phy depart­ment at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii at Manōa and a co-founder of the non­prof­it, [C]Worthy. We dis­cuss his recent piece in Nature jour­nal explain­ing the short­com­ings of car­bon off­sets, learn more about the mis­sion of [C]Worthy, and take a look at how some cor­po­ra­tions green­wash the admirable goal of pro­duc­ing net zero goods.