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First aired back in 2017, here’s a show of ques­tions and, some­times, answers. Cause we get a lot of ques­tions. Like, A LOT of ques­tions. Tiny ques­tions, big ques­tions, short ques­tions, long ques­tions. Weird ques­tions. Poop ques­tions. We get them all.

And over the years, as more and more of these ques­tions arrived in our inbox, what hap­pened was, guilti­ly, we put them off to the side, in a buck­et of sorts, where they just sat around unan­swered. But now we’re dump­ing the buck­et out.

Today, our pro­duc­ers pick up a few of the ques­tions that spilled out of that buck­et, and ven­ture out into the great unknown to find answers to some of life’s great­est mys­ter­ies: coin­ci­dences; mir­a­cles; life; death; fate; will; and, of course, poop.