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On-air now: Deep Threes 4:00am–6:00am

Up next: Writer's Voice 6:00am–7:00am

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First up: a fan­tas­tic, sur­re­al sto­ry about one very cold night, more than 70 years ago, in north­ern Rus­sia, that leads us to mar­veling at cos­mol­o­gy, drop­ping toy hors­es in test tubes of water, and talk­ing about bac­te­ria. And argu­ing, for a year. Wal­ter Murch (aka, the God­fa­ther of The God­fa­ther), joined by a team of sci­en­tists, leads us on what felt like the mag­i­cal mys­tery tour of super cool science.

Then, in the ear­ly 80s, the height of the Cold War, when some­thing strange began hap­pen­ing off the coast of Swe­den. The navy report­ed a mys­te­ri­ous sound deep below the sur­face of the ocean. Again, and again, and again they would hear it near their secret mil­i­tary bases, in their har­bors, and up and down the Swedish coastline. 

After thor­ough analy­sis the navy was cer­tain. The sound was an inva­sion into their waters, an act of war, the open­ing salvos of a pos­si­ble nuclear annihilation. 

Or was it? Annie McEwen pulls us down into a deep-sea mys­tery, one of inter­na­tion­al intrigue that asks you to con­sid­er the pos­si­bil­i­ty that maybe, just maybe, your deep­est beliefs could be as sol­id as…air.