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As dead as they seem, tree stumps are hubs of life and relationships. 

Co-host Lulu Miller is back with anoth­er sea­son of her hit spin­off show Ter­res­tri­als, and to cel­e­brate, we’re shar­ing the first episode with you. From stumps to snags, dead wood pro­vides habi­tat for rodents, fal­cons, insects, and even humans. Stumps hold togeth­er the for­est floor, give hunt­ing perch­es to birds of prey in flat­lands, pre­vent ero­sion and the encroach­ment of inva­sive species, ush­er in sun­light, pro­vide nutri­ents, store renew­able fuel, and hold onto sto­ries human beings might have for­got­ten. With­out these ghosts of trees past, noth­ing would be the same. Scot­tish author, artist and lover of tree stumps, Dr. Aman­da Thom­son, leads Lulu on a tour de stumps,” a jour­ney across space and time to learn about some of the most mag­i­cal stumps on the planet.

Plus with­in the episode, we hear the new episode of the RadyUS pod­cast, which starts around the 45 minute mark. The pod­cast is a month­ly roundup of news, events and oth­er high­lights from around theUni­ver­si­ty of Man­i­to­ba’s Rady Fac­ul­ty of Health Sci­ences, the new episode cov­ers the month of Sep­tem­ber 2024.