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Drugs – they are a part of our lives whether we like them or not, and their uses range from treat­ing dis­eases to abus­ing them for their high. How­ev­er, is it too far­fetched to think that even some­thing as crip­pling as addic­tion can be solved with just a sin­gle pill?

We talk to addic­tion researcher Dr. Anna Rose Chil­dress, addic­tion psy­chol­o­gist Dr. Mark Wil­len­bring, jour­nal­ist Gabrielle Glaser, The Nation­al Insti­tute of Health’s Dr. Nora Volkow, and scores of peo­ple deal­ing with sub­stance abuse as we try to fig­ure out whether we’re in the midst of a sea change in how we think about addiction.

Then, join us for a lab vis­it, where we’ll meet some mice, stare at some light, and come face-to-face with the mys­tery of memory.