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Radio Survivor

Per­haps you are like me and you have wished that you could go back in time and spin a radio dial and just lis­ten to and browse the full radio spec­trum from anoth­er time and place. Our guest on the show, Radio Anthro­pol­o­gist Thomas With­er­spoon, is build­ing a web­site for just such a thing. It’s called the Radio Spec­trum Archive and it is not mag­ic, it uses a piece of tech­nol­o­gy called a soft­ware defined radio that makes record­ing a full spec­trum of Short­wave, AM and even FM radio (if you have the com­put­ing pow­er to han­dle the load) a very real pos­si­bil­i­ty. Thomas With­er­spoon is also the pri­ma­ry con­trib­u­tor to The Short­wave Lis­ten­ing Post (www​.swl​ing​.com) so we are going to learn a few things about the won­der that is short­wave radio on plan­et earth.