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Radio Survivor

Bor­der radio is one of our favourite top­ics at Radio Sur­vivor and on this week’s episode we dig into the his­to­ry of radio broad­cast­ing on the north­ern bor­der of Mex­i­co. Schol­ar Sonia Rob­les shares the sto­ries of some of the less­er-known, small broad­cast­ers whose his­to­ries are often over­shad­owed by the wild tales of high­er pow­er bor­der blaster sta­tions. Rob­les is the author of Mex­i­can Waves: Radio Broad­cast­ing along Mexico’s North­ern Bor­der, 1930 – 1950 and Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry at Uni­ver­si­ty of Delaware.