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Radio Survivor

Radios in the trees, a trans­mit­ter in the pond, and a weath­er-dri­ven synth. These are just some of what you’ll find on The Wave Farm, a 29-acre prop­er­ty in New York’s Hud­son Val­ley ded­i­cat­ed to radio and trans­mis­sion arts. It’s anchored by com­mu­ni­ty radio sta­tion WGXC, accom­pa­nied by a cor­nu­copia of addi­tion­al tiny ter­res­tri­al and inter­net sta­tions. Jen­nifer Waits takes us on an audi­to­ry tour of the farm, along with a vis­it to the station’s Hud­son, NY stu­dio, where sta­tion man­ag­er and man­ag­ing news edi­tor Lynn Slonek­er lays out all these audio feeds. Then in the Wave Farm stu­dio, artis­tic direc­tor Tom Roe details the organization’s his­to­ry, which has its roots in the unli­censed microp­ow­er radio move­ment of the 1990s. Every year Wave Farm hosts artists in res­i­dence, who cre­ate unique works and instal­la­tions explor­ing the many aspects of elec­tro­mag­net­ic trans­mis­sion. One was the musi­cal artist Quin­tron, who cre­at­ed the Weath­er War­lock, a weath­er-con­trolled syn­the­siz­er. Eric Klein gave him a call to learn more about this project and his work.