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Radio Survivor

World Col­lege Radio Day takes place on Octo­ber 6, 2023 and in hon­or of that, we dig into the ear­ly his­to­ry of col­lege radio on our lat­est episode of the show. Jen­nifer Waits walks us through her research about col­lege radio in the 1920s and ear­li­er, shar­ing details from a paper that she pre­sent­ed this past spring at the Radio Preser­va­tion Task Force Con­fer­ence at the Library of Con­gress. In that paper, she argues that we should be broad­en­ing our def­i­n­i­tions of what col­lege radio is, point­ing out exam­ples of radio clubs, radio exper­i­ments, and ama­teur radio activ­i­ties that mir­ror the activ­i­ties of future broad­cast” stations.