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Radio Survivor

Dur­ing the post-war peri­od of the 1940s and 50s, women’s roles were shift­ing in the work­place and in radio and the pop­u­lar media. Tele­vi­sion arrived on the scene, bring­ing with it some, but not all, of the pro­gram­ming that peo­ple knew and loved from radio. Bat­tles were also brew­ing over radio con­tent, includ­ing vio­lence, sex, and por­tray­als of fam­i­ly life. Our guest, schol­ar Cather­ine Mar­tin, has been por­ing over FCC com­plaint let­ters from this peri­od and explains what all the fuss was about. She is Vis­it­ing Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor in Media Stud­ies in Deni­son University’s Depart­ment of Communication.