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Making Contact

The last few years have seen a wave of labor orga­niz­ing as it becomes more and more clear to work­ers that what they do is not expend­able, but actu­al­ly the heart of every busi­ness. From walk­outs to union­iza­tion, work­ers from Star­bucks to Ama­zon to your local cof­fee shop have come togeth­er to build and exer­cise their pow­er. In this episode we explore the issues that led peo­ple to orga­nize their work­places, the ins and outs and ups and downs of the process, and the backlash.

On the fore­front of the next labor rev­o­lu­tion, we vis­it a cof­fee shop in Maine called Lit­tle Dog whose staff starts a union. Then we talk to Robert Chlala from the UCLA Labor Cen­ter about the rise in union­iza­tion efforts among ser­vice work­ers and the social and cul­tur­al ethos in a post lock­down coun­try that have led to this new wave of the labor movement.