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Making Contact

On today’s Mak­ing Con­tact, our friends from the pod­cast, Kern­ing Cul­tures, bring us Black Pan­thers in Alge­ria. Its the sto­ry of when Elaine Mokhte­fi land­ed in new­ly inde­pen­dent Alge­ria in the ear­ly 1960s and quick­ly found her­self at the cen­ter of a spe­cial peri­od in the coun­trys his­to­ry, at a time when Algiers wel­comed lib­er­a­tion groups from across the world ” earn­ing a rep­u­ta­tion as the Mec­ca of revolution.”

In this unlike­ly set­ting, Elaine moved in the same cir­cles as world famous rad­i­cals, rag­tag polit­i­cal par­ties, spies and mil­i­tary lead­ers. And she became an unlike­ly side­kick to one of the most icon­ic lib­er­a­tion groups of our time, just as it was begin­ning to fall apart.