Pledge-O-Rama Returns April 19th through April 26th - dig deep and support great Campus & Community Radio in Winnipeg!

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On-air now: The Pity Party 1:00pm–3:00pm

Up next: Sunlit Youth 3:00pm–4:00pm

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Imag­ine this. A cool Sat­ur­day morn­ing, watch­ing the sun­rise through your back porch win­dow. You sip your cof­fee and sigh, joined by a melod­ic chirp from a pan­el on your wall, telling you that your win­dow pan­els are begin­ning to charge the bat­tery in your home, sav­ing you hun­dreds of dol­lars a year on your pow­er bill. Sounds nice right? Well that future is clos­er than you think, as on this episode, Jason breaks down a new green tech devel­op­ment, trans­par­ent pho­to­volta­ic glass.