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Let's Talk About...

Wel­come to anoth­er year of Let’s Talk About! On this episode, Jason kicks off 2021 by get­ting per­son­al, dis­cussing his strug­gles with miso­pho­nia, a neu­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tion where cer­tain repet­i­tive sounds trig­ger sig­nif­i­cant phys­i­o­log­i­cal respons­es out of the suf­fer­er’s con­trol, rang­ing from dis­com­fort and anx­i­ety, to rage, pan­ic, and emo­tion­al breakdowns.

For Jason, the sim­ple sounds of eat­ing, and the way his brain inter­prets that infor­ma­tion, has cre­at­ed a life long strug­gle that he may nev­er be able to escape. He delves into the symp­toms, the­o­rized caus­es, and the ways miso­pho­nia dis­rupts peo­ples’ lives.