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For The Wild

How can queer­ness guide us as we move through this lim­i­nal time peri­od? How can queer ecol­o­gy rad­i­cal­ly change our way of know­ing? This weeks episode, ini­tial­ly aired in Decem­ber of 2018, acknowl­edges that in order to expand our­selves to our fullest capac­i­ty, we must bend beyond the cul­tur­al and gen­der bina­ries that dom­i­nant soci­ety projects amongst us, to begin this process we need not look fur­ther than what has always been. Guid­ed by cul­tur­al­ly informed queer ances­tral futur­ist dreams, Pinar and So Sinopou­los-Lloyd of Queer Nature explore how queer­ing our aware­ness can dis­man­tle the suprema­cist, eco­ci­dal, and geno­ci­dal sto­ry we have found our­selves in. Queer Nature is an edu­ca­tion and social sculp­ture project based on Ara­pa­ho, Ute, and Cheyenne ter­ri­to­ries that active­ly dreams into decolo­nial­ly-informed queer ances­tral futur­ism through men­tor­ship in place-based skills with aware­ness of post-indus­tri­al/­glob­al­ized/e­co­ci­dal con­texts. Co-envi­sioned by Pinar and So Sinopou­los-Lloyd, Queer Nature designs and facil­i­tates nature-based work­shops and mul­ti-day immer­sions intend­ed to be finan­cial­ly, emo­tion­al­ly, and phys­i­cal­ly acces­si­ble to LGBTQ2+ peo­ple and QTBIPOCs.