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First Voices Indigenous Radio

Don’t just repudiate…rescind the Doc­trine of Chris­t­ian Dis­cov­ery! Tiokasin wel­comes Steven T. New­comb back to the show for the full hour. Steve (Shawnee, Lenape) is a schol­ar, edu­ca­tor, author, jour­nal­ist, film pro­duc­er, pub­lic speak­er and work­shop leader/​facilitator. He is inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized for his more than four decades of research and writ­ing on the ori­gins of fed­er­al Indi­an law and inter­na­tion­al law dat­ing back to the ear­ly days of Chris­ten­dom, most notably focused on the reli­gious doc­trine now known in his­to­ry as the Doc­trine of Chris­t­ian Dis­cov­ery. Steve and Tiokasin will be dis­cussing the Vat­i­can’s for­mal repu­di­a­tion of the Doc­trine in March of this year. Steve is the author of Pagans in the Promised Land: Decod­ing the Doc­trine of Chris­t­ian Dis­cov­ery” (Ful­crum Pub­lish­ing, 2008 and Chica­go Review Press) and a Pro­duc­er of the 2015 doc­u­men­tary film, The Doc­trine of Dis­cov­ery: Unmask­ing the Dom­i­na­tion Code” direct­ed and pro­duced by Shel­don Wolfchild (Dako­ta).