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On-air now: First Voices Indigenous Radio 7:00am–8:00am

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First Voices Indigenous Radio

Mar­tin Prech­tel is a lead­ing thinker, writer and teacher in the search for the Indige­nous soul in all peo­ple. He is a ded­i­cat­ed stu­dent of elo­quence, his­to­ry, lan­guage and an ongo­ing fresh approach. In his native New Mex­i­co, Mar­tin teach­es at his inter­na­tion­al school Bolad’s Kitchen, a hands-on his­tor­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al immer­sion into lan­guage, music, rit­u­al, farm­ing, cook­ing, smithing, nat­ur­al col­ors, archi­tec­ture, ani­mal rais­ing, cloth­ing, tools, grief and humor to help peo­ple from many lands, cul­tures and back­grounds to remem­ber and retain the majesty of their diverse ori­gins while cul­ti­vat­ing the flow­er­ing of inte­gral cul­ture in the present to grow a time of hope beyond our own. Mar­t­in’s books include: Secrets of the Talk­ing Jaguar”; Long Life, Hon­ey in the Heart”; The Dis­obe­di­ence of the Daugh­ter of the Sun”; Steal­ing Bene­fa­cios Ros­es”; The Unlike­ly Peace of Cuchu­maquic” and The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise.” More about Mar­tin can be found at flow​er​ing​moun​tain​.com.