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This week’s back by pop­u­lar demand” pro­gram fea­tures Cana­di­an singer-song­writer Patrick Wat­son, who grew up in Mon­tréal; peo­ple often com­pare his art-music sen­si­bil­i­ties with those of Rufus Wain­wright or Gre­go­ry Alan Isakov. Also join­ing us is anoth­er Cana­di­an singer-song­writer (and return­ing eTown vis­i­tor) Basia Bulat. Basia shares songs from a recent album pro­duced by My Morn­ing Jacket’s Jim James. Then, we’ll have an inspir­ing con­ver­sa­tion with this week’s eChieve­ment Award win­ner Bran­don Den­ni­son, a young man from West Vir­ginia who helps coal min­ers who’ve lost their jobs because of automa­tion or mine clos­ings find mean­ing­ful work and sol­id income to sup­port their families.