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Doctor Renewable

Eric and Robert inter­view Lor­na to bet­ter under­stand what is hap­pen­ing in res­i­den­tial solar in Man­i­to­ba and north­ern Ontario. Solar PV on hous­es is a great way for peo­ple to install renew­ables to address their res­i­den­tial elec­tri­cal loads. Robert gets excit­ed and wants to get solar PV pan­els installed on his house, in part to charge a Tes­la car and for­go buy­ing gaso­line. Eric high­lights that solar PV for res­i­den­tial homes is a great appli­ca­tion of THE RED CUP pol­i­cy to solve cli­mate change. Peo­ple them­selves invest into solar ener­gy to dis­place their own loads to sup­port the ener­gy tran­si­tion, reduc­ing the reliance on pub­lic fund­ing and the lethar­gy of stake­hold­ers. It remains that gov­ern­ment and util­i­ties do not yet seem to under­stand that, like renew­able ener­gy sources, loads are dis­trib­uted, and our pre­dict­ed 300 GW of capac­i­ty required by 2050 in Cana­da can be part­ly addressed with res­i­den­tial solar. All three scales in CUP need to con­tribute and bar­ri­ers removed. Lore­na dis­cuss­es some of the chal­lenges she faces in this indus­try. You can con­tact Lore­na at https://​evolve​g​reen​.ca/​o​u​r-com….